Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I am amazed that I came forward and did the right thing and people don't seem to be satisfied. I suppose that you can not please everybody. I know that what I did was very wrong. But again people still don't seem to learn. People still seem to follow these "insiders" and still believe in the existence of this make believe hoax.

I was completely honest with what I just told you all. I did not say or imply that Maura was innocent because she was not, but she had nothing to do with the things that I did to mislead people. She honestly didn't. She never used anything concerning us when applying it to her hoax investigation videos or anything.

I told the truth because Maura was terrified that this V person was going to release a series of videos exposing myself and my brother and what happened. I don't know if there were other things that she kept from us, but I really doubt it because is not that kind of person.

There are people going to their twitters and tweeting very vile and very wrong things about Maura. After I told you all what happened to her last night. I'm telling you straight forward exactly what happened. I know that a lot of people may be angry about it and I understand that. But I did this so that people will stop blaming her for things that she is not responsible for.

GoldPantsRhot I know that you are reading this blog and I would advise you to stop with your twitter rants. You have lied about multiple things and multiple people. There is a lot more to your story than lying about being pregnant. A lot of people do not care for you and did not trust you as blindly as Maura did. There is a slew of information that I would be willing to post to this blog if you do not delete those God awful tweets about Maura you sick, putrid tub of lard. You are the biggest (no pun intended) coward that I have seen in the mix of all of this. You not only put a sword in your best friends back, but you are judging her and accusing her of things with such malice, all the while you lied to so many people about something so sacred. What about that? Is that alright? Are most these people so bent on hating Maura, that the sick and twisted thing that you did is being ignored? How do you mistakenly fool people into thinking that you are pregnant for five months? How do you give a due date? How do you claim to be feeding your baby or having diabetes in relation to being pregnant... All by mistake? You accused this woman of maliciously attacking your child. You had people thinking that she was a horrible person and attacked children, when you didn't even have a child to attack. I am disgusted by how you are handling this after what you've done.

I am not a fake informant of any kind. If I was a fake informant then I would be full of Michael stories and so forth. I am not doing anything like that. I'm just telling the truth.

I will not say anything else about this matter. I'm just warning that what I said was true. I am just warning that Maura did cut her wrist last night. I don't know how to prove this. You will have to just wait and see... Again, i'm sorry for what I did.